28 definitions by Honor

A person from whom an informal, unregulated, short term loan can be acquired... Usually at usurious interest and with at least the presumption of physical danger to the borrower in the case of default.

The name comes from the ruthless and violent popular image of sharks, and basically assumes the lender hasconnections with organized crime.

Can also sometimes be applied to one who always seems just a bit too mercenary in thier "assistance" of friends.
My uncle was sick for two weeks, and missed a co-op payment. Now he has to get money from a loan shark, or he's on the street.

Bobby said he wouldn't give me a ride to work unless I gave him $15 for gas... What a loan shark.
by Honor July 24, 2004
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A practitioner of the most grave and foul of sins: Godomy... Which is to say, of course, someone who's become so deliriously happy with having god up their own ass that they try to forcibly shove god up your ass as well.

This is distinct from someone who tries to shove a non-deitic imaginary being up your ass... The proper term for that sort of person is "demented ass-freak". You can keep the specifics clear with this handy rule of thumb: Remember... All godomites are demented ass-freaks, but not all demented ass-freaks are godomites.

Anyone currently living in the US will recognize this one right away, but probably assume it refers only to radical christians. Actually it means anyone who tries to forcibly shove any deitic being up your ass.
Preacher Bob: Do you know JC? Lemme tell you about JC! JC is so wonderful, he can walk on water! JC died for your sins! I -love- JC, he's the best. Everything is better with JC! What would JC do? No JC, no peace - Know JC, know peace! Have you accepted JC as your personal dominatrix... -er- ...I mean "savior"! heh... Silly me.
Healthy person: Eeek!! Godomite! Get away from me!
by Honor January 20, 2006
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A category of endeavor in which one is highly skilled, well prepared, or blessed with natural talent and, therefore, enjoys a high liklihood of success.

From card games relying on making or ditching books or tricks, such as Hearts or Spades. In a making game, for example, if you are holding all or most of the desired cards in a given suit (hearts, spades, diamonds, clubs) then you can be fairly sure of taking a high number of 'books' or plays.
I'm going to need some help getting ready for this test... Math's really not my strong suit.

Get Melanie to talk to her for you... Diplomacy's always been her strong suit.
by Honor June 23, 2004
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To be totally committed to something.

Possibly originating with gambling games such as Texas Hold 'em style poker, where the maximum 'raise' is to bet your full stack of chips.
If we're gonna do it, let's do it. I'm all in.
by Honor June 24, 2004
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Generally, used as a denial of sexual or romantic intimacy or designs.
Are you two dating?

No. We're just good friends.
by Honor July 15, 2004
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A variant of "fucktard" used when the fucktard in question is a fucktard of such substantial style, grace, and magnitude that the mere common appellation "fucktard" will no longer suffice to describe him, her, or them.

Fucktard raised to a higher power, or distilled to a more refined purity.
One: Look here... It quotes this congressman as saying global warming can't be a threat because the Bible's book of Genesis promises that god won't destroy the world again. What a fucktard.
Two: No, no... That man there is a bona fide hyper-dongtastic Grand Poobah Fuquetarde.
by Honor November 19, 2010
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As a verb: To accept at face value (to honor a check),
to accept and treat as valid (to honor a debt),
to grant as a privilege (I'm honored by your company),
to respect or pay homage to (the statue honors WWII veterans).

As a noun: A significant part of one's dignity or value (I will defend my honor),
the respect or distinction payed to someone or something (it's an honor to win this award),
something given or used to show respect, status, achievement, or deference (the title "your eminance" is purely honorific) or a title thus purposed (always address the judge as "your honor")

A feminine given name, originating from a hope to bestow a child with certain qualities by invoking those qualities with a name, such as love, faith, hope, charity, chastity, etc.
Yes, my name is Honor... At least my mom didn't choose 'Chastity'.
by Honor June 23, 2004
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