7 definitions by Havenvelour

The most beautiful girls are born on this day. They lure you in with their beauty and voices. They can control your mind. Make you do crazy things. Their beauty doesn’t age. They are sirens. The women born on March 27th are connected to the sea. Their birthstone is Aquamarine. Their love is pure but fatal.
“Wow why is that girl so gorgeous?”
“Because she was born on March 27th. People say she’s a true born siren
by Havenvelour October 16, 2019
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A person who is born on this day is strong, loyal and talented. They help bring hope to your life.
Are you born on June 25th? Because your so amazing
by Havenvelour October 16, 2019
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Women who are born on March 27th are the most amazing beings. Her beauty is incomparable. She is connected to the ocean. Her birthstone is aquamarine. Her beauty will never age. She’s a beautiful dangerous siren. Her love is pure but fatal. She can lure you in with her beautiful eyes and voice. She’s delicate but strong. She knows what she wants.
March 27 that girl must be a true born siren if she was born on this day.
by Havenvelour October 16, 2019
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A man who will fall in love with a younger woman. But knows it is right. Love is love. He knows they treat each other well. He loves her.
He’s born on April 27th. She must be younger than him”
by Havenvelour October 16, 2019
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A flirtatiounship is where you’re in a flirty relationship but not really together. You just flirt
Sam and Julie are in a flirtationship
by Havenvelour October 16, 2019
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A very disrespectful boy. Who cheats on his Girlfriend. And gets STDs and sleeps around with anyone he gets.
That guy is horrible he must be a shayne
by Havenvelour October 16, 2019
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A mythical creature who lives in the water and lures men to their death. They sing a beautiful melody that attracts men. Most beautiful being in the world.
“That girl attracts all the guys. She must One of the sirens
by Havenvelour October 16, 2019
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