316 definitions by Harry flashman

A rank in the Ku Klux Klan above kleagle but below moron.
Irvin had earned the rank of klugle back in '63 by shouting abuse at a black 9 year old school girl. The girl is now a circuit court judge in Montgomery while Irvin is still fixing flat tires at A-1 Tire Service & Tanning Boutique in Verbena.
by Harry flashman July 20, 2003
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n. A military term for a reprimand or ass-chewing.
All it takes is one "aw shit" to wipe out a career of "atta boys".
by Harry flashman June 28, 2003
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An unquestioningly loyal female subordinate in the Democratic Party.
Susan McDougal and Monica Lewinsky were apparatchiks, one went down for a crime the other went down.
by Harry flashman July 20, 2003
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Zip it, scumweasel...if I want a ration of shit out of you I'll squeeze your head.
by Harry flashman August 3, 2003
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Fabric interwoven with metal wire.
Airman First Class Lawrencio wore silver lame undershorts, prefering it to kevlar for comfort and style.
by Harry flashman August 3, 2003
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v. To D/F (direction find)
Break out the Yagi, men, as we must duff the illegal transmitter before it shuts down.
by Harry flashman August 25, 2003
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One who is fond of being athletic.
Bubba is a jockular fellow who pops steroids like M&M's and must not be angered at all costs.
by Harry flashman July 15, 2003
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