102 definitions by Hannah

Disgusting breath that people always seem to have when they lean in really close and tell a secret.
"I was going to kiss him, but he had some nasty-smelling halitosis."
by Hannah August 13, 2003
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Some guy that drinks bbt goes to br, but wishes he could go to massey =D He always looks up to hannah
Huynh wishes he was as cool as hannah.
by Hannah December 12, 2004
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Super Powered Dork, one who reeks dorkiness with style.
That guy cleaning his hardback classic novel with a toothbrush is an Uber Dork.
by Hannah March 31, 2005
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when you really need a good pounding; you want to fuck very badly
Kim Hall is craving the cock.
by Hannah February 17, 2003
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The slang term "Filo" is generally used by philippinos that think they are really cool and better than everyone else just because they are Asian. A few years ago at my school there was this filo girl and she bullied me and make me breakdown and my self esteem was very low. Some filos are nice
A little about me:
waddup yo!
da èaìes Paulina!
-aka- Pauline,Lene,Paulin to tha A,Lina gurl,P'..
mah day|| June the pitto. btw HI KUYA PITTO!
BestPren ko Ian -aka- Yann, E to tha Yann,Yanny boi,E'..
we BeSTPReNZ Fo LiFe

My favourite things:
going to school dats rite t.mike& ol u ni**ers, SCHOOL lol jk
-talkin 2 me sis Mamille aka tummy,camille,cami,camz,ate camille,te mill,mc chicken mill..
-going to mamilles.. on -Mamille Day- aka Fridays..
ê³ñê³è ³ò wid da fiLo êÿåw-
a shout 2 mamillle te c8& a.charm luv u mah sistahs peace out A town,tito mike! kuya kyel,kuya p2,kuya pher,reg,E 2tha yann,ken,kit u guys roit?chelle,kat,jamz,jen
ol p2k gaze pilipinos
my FPS mayts miss ya'l
by Hannah April 17, 2005
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