24 definitions by GuRu

Now if we are really going to try to quantify sheebz we must go back to first principles. Whenever sheebz is first applied to a problem it starts in small quantities, and once the first sheebz is applied then it is applied in increasing doses.

This can best be expressed as a polynomial. Keep in mind that the rate of work typically decreases (another variable) due to the "ye olde shit-tins" of thinking beers being utilised.

Once adequate amounts of sheebz have been applied to the problem in question typically there is a flat section where sheebz is constant (normal operation - the amount of neon installed can mess with this part of the equation - be careful). This is always followed by some description of catastrophic failure where all sheebz leaves the building, or car, or what is left of the car.

This is an impulse function which makes sheebz impossible to quantify, however a 15th order polynomial is a fairly good approximation.

According to Pete's theory this excess of sheebz must be taken up somewhere else.

I like to think that it is all hiding in Glen's garage.
by GuRu March 17, 2004
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To sheebz - the act of building, upgrading or improving an object (usually a car) with excessive amounts of gaffa tape and zip ties.
A practical application of Sheebz for the upgrade of a car exhaust.

Simple sheebzology tells us that more noise = more power.
Therefore, more noise + (milo tin x wank value)over Y (where Y is equal to
exhaust diameter = ye olde shit tins more power.
by GuRu March 14, 2004
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jamesog slapping Guru being.
* Yoggles slaps jamesog
by GuRu December 27, 2003
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An aimbotting hacker who can be found camping somewhere in Radio Tower.
Goddammit is Shaku camping again.
by GuRu February 2, 2005
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Person1: What do you think of "plus-sized" models?
Person2: Fat.
by GuRu April 30, 2006
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A fat smelly slag, often used for free mcdonalds supplies.
by GuRu August 21, 2003
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The same as the original shit tins, meaning a vast quantity of a given item with the preffix 'ye olde' indicating someting from days gone by.

Lets be honest, it just sounds better!
phwor, you're gonna need ye olde shit tins of gaffa tape to fix that!
by GuRu December 5, 2004
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