28 definitions by Gregg

Also a subtle, non-offensive way of suggesting that someone is horny. See also: beaver fever.
Jeez Bob, quit staring at those girls. You must have a pretty bad case of spring fever.
by Gregg July 13, 2003
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another term for an asian hoochie.
Poodles is such a haochi.
by Gregg October 26, 2004
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Generally some loser who's name starts with or is Scott. Spends most of their time troubleshooting AOL connections (WHO KNOWS WHY?!?) This type of person's main goal in life is to find their sexual orientation!
by Gregg March 27, 2004
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Insult to be used in place of 'idiot', mostly for repeated offense of same idiotic behavior.
Yo slapnut....stop being such an assclown!
by Gregg March 8, 2005
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The act of putting your lips around someones asshole and blowing.
by Gregg July 13, 2003
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