21 definitions by Gregaroidson.

When you incorrectly address the gender of of a human being .
"Dude you just gensulted our waitress!"
"No I didn't I said to him he did a good job and left a 15% tip."

"That was a chick dumb ass!"
by Gregaroidson. March 19, 2017
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When a person make a joke or picture so bad is cost them their job.
"Man these comedians are coming up with a lot of cide jokes!"
"I know right? They be looking for cide jobs now."
by Gregaroidson. June 2, 2017
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When a woman decides to sprinkling on perfume instead of taking a shower or bath.
"Hurry up and get ready the band starts at 9:00 don't ya know?"
"I'm just gonna take a Ho bath so we don't miss anything!"
"Ughhhhhhh again?"
by Gregaroidson. April 4, 2017
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When a person thinks they are being funny but they are so out of touch it kills their career.
"All these leftist think they are funny but it's a joke on the cide!"
"Ohhhh I know and now they are out looking for a job on the side."
by Gregaroidson. June 2, 2017
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A ride you get and pay for when your in a major city and the driver, his breath or car stinks.
"Whats that aweful smell?"
"It's the pewber drivers breath man."
"OHHH thank god were in the back seat."
"I know can you imagine what it would be like sitting next to him? Now can you roll down your window and stop asking him about his life please?"
by Gregaroidson. March 20, 2017
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Naive person lacking intelligence and information willing to vote for anyone who promises them something for free.
"I am so scared. "

"What are you afraid of love?"

"I am afraid a majority of Dumbocrats will steal my lifes savongs.:

"Why would they do that love?"

"They would do it for a vote. Haven't you watched the news lately?"
by Gregaroidson. April 10, 2019
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Higher unemployment more government dependency, weakness, hostages held until the administration is over. It's the vanilla Obama Jimmy Carter
by Gregaroidson. June 12, 2017
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