27 definitions by GoGetterCFerg

An informal way of sayingconversation.”
“Hey dude, I couldn’t help but notice y’all were having a political discussion about banking and venture capitalism.” - Joe

“Please tell me you weren’t eavesdropping.” - Greg

“Are you interested in being a venture capitalist?” - Chris

“No, I was just casually listening to the sation between you guys.” - Joe
by GoGetterCFerg September 16, 2021
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To block a person on a social media platform, usually in the blink of an eye.
“Becky, are we not Facebook friends anymore? I’ve been looking for your profile and can’t find you!” - Jeremy

“I’d hate to break it to you, but I decided to Pearl Harbor you on Facebook. You kept commenting on my posts and it got extremely annoying!” - Becky

“Geez, I’m sorry! I was just trying to be a friend! Can we let bygones be bygones?” - Jeremy
by GoGetterCFerg July 14, 2020
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The fastest way to lose friends.
“Kevin just unfriended me on Facebook.” - Alex

“What the fuck did you do?” - Luke

“I posted something about how Bernie Sanders is a better candidate than Joe Biden. What’s the point of politics?” - Alex
by GoGetterCFerg July 14, 2020
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An adjective used to describe someone who is against non-binary people.
“Is Kevin a man or a woman? I can’t tell the difference.” - Charles

“Charles, you should be more sensitive! You’re sounding androphobic!” - Ray

“I’m sorry, it’s just that I grew up with the XY chromosome, but I’ll try and be more progressive with Kevin and their pronoun preferences!” - Ray
by GoGetterCFerg September 10, 2020
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The protocol that a man should wait to propose to his girlfriend until they go on their 53rd date, where preparation meets affirmations.
“Hey y’all, I’m thinking about proposing to Karen!” - Walter

“Walter, you’ve been dating her for 2 months already, and had like 11 dates with her! Maybe you should wait until like your 53rd date?” - Kyle

“53rd date? That’s random!” - Walter

“It’s not random, it’s a protocol. They call it the 53rd date rule.” - Kyle
by GoGetterCFerg July 14, 2020
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To make 20-50 Google searches within an hour.
"Kids today are so upsessed with their phones." - Grandma

"Tell me about it. Ever since I told Brad about Coachella, he has decided to googlebomb every band that's playing so he can be familiar with the artists that are performing at the concert." - Laurie
by GoGetterCFerg July 18, 2020
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To talk at a fast pace, to the point where one is slurring their words. Popularized by Boomhauer from King of the Hill and John Moschitta Jr, who did commercials for FedEx and Micro Machines.
“Our New York tour guide was talking so fast, I couldn’t comprehend a damn thing he said!” - Jake

“He’s a motor mouth! He likes to talk in cursive! Truth be told, he reminds me of the Micro Machines spokesperson.” - Julie
by GoGetterCFerg July 14, 2020
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