in the blink of an eye

Very fast, rapidly
On Wall Street the market can change in the blink of an eye.
by Empty! February 24, 2018
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Blink of an eye

1. Initially used as a figure of speech to express astonishing speed.

2. But it can also be used as a form of sarcasm, in describing the amount of time it may take to complete a task in absolute contradictory or irony.

3. (Actual Speed) about 300-400 milliseconds.
A conversation between husband and wife.

<p><i>Husband: Honey! You forgot my suit at the dry cleaners. Now what am I going to wear?
Wife: I can go pick it up now if you'd like.
Husband: Maybe, but what if you don't make it back in time?
Wife: Don't worry, I'll be back in the blink of an eye.</i>.</p>
by That's A Neck December 4, 2014
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