13 definitions by George Washingmachine

"Who are you voting for in the 2016 election?"

"Probably Ted Cruz."

"Dude... That's the Zodiac Killer..."
by George Washingmachine March 15, 2016
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A girl who so eloquently enters your life, fucks you, and then just as eloquently leaves. A girl who you do not compare to other girls, because she is beyond comparison. No. You compare other girls to her. She is/has/will be the one. She IS the one. You change everything about yourself to match everything about her. You see words that have a syllable similar to her name, suddenly that word becomes a synonym for her. You write poetry that you keep in a secret hidden folder on your laptop, and it is written about her. She is your Eve, and you my friend, are Adam.
What I would give to sodomize my summit girl one last time.
by George Washingmachine January 26, 2015
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What good pussy sounds like.

Usually used to imply having sex/other sexual actions.
What do you mean I'm fired? Just because I asked Barb if she wants to go into the back closet and make macaroni sounds? She's the office slut!
by George Washingmachine December 18, 2021
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A fruit nazi is a big fucking jackass with such a cocky ego, they correct every fucking mistake you fucking do, and fucking make everyone except their fucking superficial friends sound like total pricks, even though they are the real pricks.
Alphonse was such a fruit nazi, that when Jeremiah spelled his name wrong, Alphonse laughed and called Jeremiah a "pricky twiddling."
by George Washingmachine October 4, 2011
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When one is experiencing euphoria generated by cocaine or methamphetamine. Also referred to as "coke high".
Jim was a stupidass and got overdosed on a sugar high.
by George Washingmachine January 22, 2012
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