114 definitions by Geoff

Create a magic carpet, then lie upon thy stichings and bless the lord for what you have done to keep it and not spank your own mother for her wrong doings. Thank You.
by Geoff March 27, 2003
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A person who flops his cock out when with a girl, then has it put back in for him after being denied
Nich was a bit of a flopper the other night, too bad he denied by molly, she is the biggest hoe
by Geoff June 1, 2003
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An edpidemic sweeping urbandictionary.com in at least half of their definitions. Symptoms include putting your own opinion in definitions of concrete nouns, phrases, etc. and belittling the opinion(s) of any and all dissenters.
See Same-Sex Marriage, Scott Peterson, Macintosh, or any other subject that maybe be under even one circumstance a slight bit of a miniscule fraction controversial.

Um....there's also a bit in this definition.
by Geoff June 7, 2005
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cool, a better way for saying it
thats coo
by Geoff March 10, 2003
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"god u poopstain why u do that?" or "ewww u got a poopstain on ur shoe"
by Geoff March 9, 2003
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Forcing one to ingage in sexual activity in their own bed
Oh... you're girlfriend is coming this weekend? Looks like I'm Bunkin' up with Dyer
by Geoff February 22, 2004
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Frames Per Second. The general benchmark for computer performance in a video game. Refers to the number of times the image on a computer monitor gets refreshed per second. 60 fps is generally the benchmark for acceptable performance; that provides a buffer for when the action in a game gets heavier.
My old crapper of a computer only gets 20 fps in Quake 3.
by Geoff January 20, 2003
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