101 definitions by Gary

So me and al and frank and dan are in the car on the way to poker the other night and al is telling a story and he somehow messes up wicked bad but still says a clear smotth thing that sounds like a word... he says something along the lines of... yeah so my moms boss is mamoulamont.... pronounced

ma mow la mont

he continues with the story and this critical speaking error has gone untouched so a few words later i say . "wait wait wait baacckk up.. did you just say ..... mamoulamont?. too make a long story short we saud the word about 9000 times almost to the point of killing it and the word has been in my head ever since.

This word has now brought on a life of its own as many people are starting to use it.
Can be used as a substitute for an expression like Bullshit.

"Thats straight up Mamoulamont!"

but usually used as a single word as an expression while pondering something but can not come up with an answer or the right words to use. like.. "::sigh::.... Mamoulamont"
by Gary November 8, 2004
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A selfish, inconsiderate, spoilt bastard. Someone who never considers anyone else except themselves.
Someone who would stitch you up at the slightest chance to get a lay.
Someone who would happily ruin your chances with pulling someone, cos he would be convinced they find him attractive and enjoy his oafish behaviour.
"What, he never paid you back? What an ingle"
by Gary March 6, 2004
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A gentleman who rides on the Marmite motorway. A pillow biter. Either a Quarter Back or a Wide Reciever. A botter.
Look at that gentleman he seems to be commiting an act of gross indecency on that other young chap. Yes, he is an arse bandit.
by Gary December 26, 2003
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As Kids in Toronto in Winter we would sneak up to a stopped car and grab on to the bumper. Then get towed along the icey street till we fell off or the car stopped again. It was great fun and our name for it was Shagging.

I know what it means in Britain, I've been living here the past 10 years!
by Gary September 24, 2004
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Time to rock the bathroom, tape the simpsons, this is gonna take awhile...
by Gary February 10, 2005
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the best five minutes of silence a married man can ask for.
"She kept on yakking and yakking about her friends that I finally shut her up by having her give me a blowjob."
by Gary March 1, 2004
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