4 definitions by GYMrat
by GYMrat September 10, 2012
by GYMrat July 10, 2022
A place where obese people can go and work out , eat pizza , and not feel guilty about bragging about going to a gym yet seeing 0 results . This "gym" is basically the Wal Mart of gyms.
"Phew my 10 min walk was pretty intense, good thing there is pizza here at Planet Fitness to replenish my fat and carbohydrates ... "
by GYMrat July 24, 2012
A muscular male who is built like a brick shithouse. Someone you get caught mirin.
Synonyms: yoked, jacked, swole, wrecked
Synonyms: yoked, jacked, swole, wrecked
Guy 1: "Holy shit look at that guy's arms!"
Guy 2: "Yeah he's a fuckin' meat castle!"
Meat Castle: "You mirin brahh?"
Guy 2: "Yeah he's a fuckin' meat castle!"
Meat Castle: "You mirin brahh?"
by GYMrat September 10, 2012