56 definitions by GHOST

Boyfluid, also known as manfluid, guyfluid, fluid male or genderfluid boy/man/male, is a type of genderfluidity where one changes between male, neutral, androgynous, and genderless identities.
girl 1 did you know josh is boyfluid
girl 2 no i thought he was a demiboy
girl 1 no he told me hes is boyfluid
by GHOST April 14, 2023
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Done by a ricer after losing a race. It's the racing equivalent of a sucker punch. It goes like this: the race is over and the winning car is slowing down but the losing car just keeps going and flies by at (what seems to them, at least, to be) a great rate of speed.
I saw a Z hand a ricer his ass, who promptly did a flyby.
by GHOST August 1, 2003
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A person of extremely low I.Q.. Prone to being clueless in all aspects of life.
That guy is such a mental midget, it's almost criminal that he be allowed to live.
by GHOST July 27, 2003
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Any particle of food that you happen to pick out of your teeth many hours after the meal's over. Named so because the particle is usually white and has a chicken meat-like texture.
Dude, you have some teeth chicken between your front teeth.
by GHOST August 1, 2003
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a chick so ugly she looks like she tried to commit suicide Cobain style.
That chick is shotgun dude....
by GHOST March 24, 2005
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noun- one who pursues partfracticology
John is a partfracticologist
by GHOST December 6, 2003
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A woman who looks great from behind, but when she turns around shows off an ugly as hell face.
Dude, I already checked her out, she's a diamondback.
by GHOST August 1, 2003
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