56 definitions by GHOST

A woman who looks great from behind, but when she turns around shows off an ugly as hell face.
Dude, I already checked her out, she's a diamondback.
by GHOST August 1, 2003
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1. A creature that is at the bottom of the pecking order in Kazakhstan.
<Borat>In my country, it goes God, man, horse, dog, woman, Rat and then little cratsuli.
by GHOST February 5, 2005
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1. A sausage fest.
2. A party where the number of guys doubles, if not triples the amount of women.
3. A party thrown at the 711 house in Orlando.
<Radames>Jesus Christ! Where are all of the fucking girls?
<Bardo>It's another 711 party.
<Boston>JEW CLAW!!!
by GHOST February 5, 2005
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I had just enough toilet paper left for my midnight cruncher.
by GHOST August 1, 2003
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A cat, because:

1. The are literally "low furs," heightwise, and

2. They are loafers.
The lowfurs are in cat jail (locked in the bathroom) because one of them pissed on the rug again.
by GHOST August 1, 2003
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To talk nonsense. To utter complete fabrications. Especially when one knows them to be untrue.
He didn't saying one thing that was right. He was just talking trash.
by GHOST July 27, 2003
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