56 definitions by GHOST

What a supine woman's panties create from hip bone to hip bone if she's thin enough. A good panty bridge is one that you can actually peek under and see her twat.
My wife is really losing weight, she actually has a panty bridge now!
by GHOST August 1, 2003
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A woman's genitalia when viewed from behind when she's bending over.
TWO GUYS READING A PLAYBOY Dude, check out the RAT on HER!!
by GHOST August 1, 2003
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A woman who has such a big bush that it can be seen coming out from the sides of her panties (when viewed from the front).
Damn, honey, look at that tarantula! Why don't you trim that thing?
by GHOST August 1, 2003
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A guy who is such an asshole that calling him a mere asshole doesn't cut it.
Look, ASS FACTORY, I want my money back NOW or you'll be seeing the five of clubs!!!
by GHOST August 1, 2003
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1. An Irish-style chain restaurant/pub.
2. The place where half of the 711 crew ends their long day by downing some miller lites and hard liquor.
3. Home of the FPJ(full price jew).
<Radames>Steve, where you at?
<Bardo>I'm getting a Buff Chick San from Bennigan's.
by GHOST February 5, 2005
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Five fingers that are going to club you, i.e., a fist.
Bill gave him the five of clubs when he heard he scratched his ride.
by GHOST August 1, 2003
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