174 definitions by G

The only trick most skaters know.

And they usually fall on their asses trying off of curbs and other very low objects.
That jr. high school kid almost killed himself trying an ollie on his Nash his mom got at the mall for him.
by G December 30, 2004
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"sup wit the dove-sack gee?"

by G February 22, 2003
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Raming ones cock into the asshole of a female without lubrication or prior warning.
Yo, I was fuckin her doggy-style when I decided to yam her cause she had a nice asshole.
by G October 14, 2004
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A guy who takes it as it comes and is totally cool with everything.
That rogerdodger, man, he doesn't get worked up over anything.
by G August 12, 2003
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the things ya wear when its warm in the summa time
after a day on the beach jake's flippiez were covered in sand.
by G October 27, 2003
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A Person who is totally sad, pathetic, insane and a loser!!!
"You are such a Leeds Fan"
"You F***ing Leeds Fan"
by G December 1, 2004
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A person that pawns at many things. Often associated with multicultured beasts.
-that dude's mad g-lo, yo.
-damstraiht homy
by G October 29, 2004
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