2 definitions by FriarM

Noun: Combination of Fascist and Prostitute. Definition; An individual who is a fascist for profit.

Example: See all modern Republican Politicians in the US. (Coined by Dr. K. J. Martin 2023)

See Fascistution.
The Fascistute rejected legislation to raise the minimum wage at the behest of his political donors.
by FriarM May 4, 2023
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Verb: The act of prostituting your Political views or power to the highest bidder, while espousing ideologies of fascism in order to enact legislation, law, policies, or leverage economic systems in favor of aforementioned bidder. This often is an act in direct opposition to the desires of an elected officials constituents' best interests, and distracted from through culture wars and othering of minority groups as scapegoats. (Coined by Dr. K. J. Martin 2023)

Example; when Conservatives claim that Drag Queens are "grooming" kids through Drag Queen Story Hour, while simultaneously passing laws that strip women of their right to self autonomy, this is an act of fascistution.
The Governor's fascistution has lead to large tax breaks for several billionaires and major cuts to public education, higher taxes on the working class, and a political smokescreen filled with attacks on trans people, the queer community, and immigrants.
by FriarM May 4, 2023
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