5 definitions by FamilyFave

Dat green stuff that makes you go OHHHH YEAH! Makes life awesome but has a whole lot of problems if u let it get outta hand. This green stuff is the best thing that exists
Yo dude, u got that green money? What do u think? OH YEAH!!!
by FamilyFave October 10, 2019
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"Jump from this four foot building onto concrete!"

" Are you kidding me? I don't want to die you numbskull!"
by FamilyFave October 7, 2019
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A type of a infuriating species of human. Always think they know best but really just get together and act dumb.
Hey I saw a man. He was drinking from the toilet.
UGH! So typical.
by FamilyFave October 24, 2019
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Usually super tall loves women but is too shy to admit it, not a extended family man but is loyal to those who treat him kind, this dude is the best friend you will ever have as long as you don't get in his bad side.
"Otto kicked me into a wall!" "Wow! what did you do to tick him off so much?!"
by FamilyFave October 7, 2019
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Dat lady who drives you nuts but who you can’t help but love....... hopefully. Amazing woman Super short. LOVES FLOWERS! Hates guns and most definitely dislikes you.
Mom: will you be home for dinner?

You: nope.

Mom: GET OUT OF MY HOUSE THEN DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH EFORT IT TOOK TO COOK IT!!! Sit down boy and let me tell you!

You: ugh.
Mom: so I was at Starbucks.......
by FamilyFave October 14, 2019
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