15 definitions by Faggot Disorder

When your child is such a retard that he can't even move or anything, he can just breathe and shit.
Person: your son's a fucking cucumber

Parent: don't talk about my ve- I mean child like that
by Faggot Disorder May 20, 2020
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When your child is such a retard that he can't even move or anything, he can just breathe and shit.
Person: your son's a fucking cucumber

Parent: don't talk about my ve- I mean child like that
by Faggot Disorder May 20, 2020
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When your child is such a retard that he can't even move or anything, he can just breathe and shit.
Person: your son's a fucking cucumber

Parent: don't talk about my ve- I mean child like that
by Faggot Disorder May 20, 2020
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When your child is such a retard that he can't even move or anything, he can just breathe and shit.
Person: your son's a fucking cucumber

Parent: don't talk about my ve- I mean child like that
by Faggot Disorder May 20, 2020
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When a person calls a disorder a disease.

When a person thinks that a disorder is way worse then it actually is.

When a person thinks that a disorder can be cured.

When a person says you don't look like you have a disorder. (Commonly ASD or Asperger's Syndrome.)

There's more.
Retard: cure autism

Autistic Person: okay disordertard
by Faggot Disorder May 20, 2020
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A pile of shit that has been pumped out by a profoundly retarted kid.
Retarded kid: *shits on school floor* UHHHHAAAAAAA

Faggot: Tasty Choco Chunks 🍫
by Faggot Disorder May 13, 2020
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