
Sarah: the cucumber fits really well in the salad
Earl: thanks
by Stoverman October 14, 2019
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An item commonly used by certain people for some ...entertainment ;)
Me: Hey, you have a better use for this cucumber than I'd ever have.

You: No. No. No.

Me: Yes you do.
by Banana Joe The Second September 3, 2013
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I hate cucumber, it's just solid water
by I_am_poggers October 29, 2021
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The coldest vegetable. Approximately -10 degrees.
by ZachFonaas July 17, 2014
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A jock itch infected penis.. (teehee I made a non-sexual object into a non-sensical double entendre, all the perverted people who post definitions on Urban Dictionary will think I’m cool now..)
by Patriotic Leftie February 27, 2021
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When your child is such a retard that he can't even move or anything, he can just breathe and shit.
Person: your son's a fucking cucumber

Parent: don't talk about my ve- I mean child like that
by Faggot Disorder May 20, 2020
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