15 definitions by El Barto

El Barto

Bart Simpson's tag name on the greatest TV show ever (M*A*S*H...lol). Often seen in Springfield specifically near the courthouse or alleyways. Homer even tries his own version of that tag creating the name "El Homo".
El Barto should not be pronounced as "El Burrito" contrary to popular belief. Notice the subtle difference in the LETTERS.
by El Barto June 11, 2004
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When the snooch is in the nooch and the booch is to the noochy. A state of kidding or happiness that can be expressed with cool or great.
So, you wanna do me.
Response: Yeah
Snoogins (if applicable, snooch, snooch to the nooch, snooch-boochies, mad note)
by El Barto June 7, 2003
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When a picture, drawing, printout of an Ultrasound, reports card, painting, report, picture of a cat, picture of a dog, picture of a neice, picture of a nephew, baseball card, football card, religious card, brocheure, panphlet, newspaper cliping, magazine cutout, column from newspaper, index card, looseleaf paper, map post card, stamp, magnet, birthday card, holiday card, restaurant menu, VCR insturction booklet, diary entry, calendar, schedule, book cover, picture taken of a McGriddle, or printout of an Urban Dictionary definition do something to warrant the merit of making it onto the refrigerator for all to see and lear at.
by El Barto June 30, 2004
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A cool teacher, known for letting people in late and yelling at kevin.
"Guys...guys? guys guys guys? Guyyyyyyysss...."


"gimme a Z enter E enter"
by El Barto March 26, 2004
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Term found in psycology books meaning vodka.
Common substance used in making vodka. Usually found in the ground.
Let's go drink some potatoes
by El Barto May 12, 2004
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n: South vietnamese rebels during the Vietnam war.
adj: Used to describe something communistic, rebellistic, witty, or elusive-istic.
The fork in this plastic bag of plastic "silverware" is sharp and elusive like the vietcong. I wish I could find it, but the "plasticware" is really crowded, it's like a jungle in the bag and I cannot find the *explitive* fork. I really need the fork to eat some cake...with sprinkles.
by El Barto June 14, 2004
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unnaturally hard

an erection resulting from the overuse of viagra or other horny pills
that old fogey is unnaturally hard
by El Barto January 16, 2003
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