15 definitions by EggFuYungAtHeart

Worthless trash, meant to be thrown straight in the trash can.
I have a master's degree and i work at Domino's, boy do i regret going to college. My college degree is trash.
by EggFuYungAtHeart May 25, 2022
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Where Ron Lumbergh moved after he slept with Joanna
"I can't believe Joanna slept with Lumbergh"

"you didn't know that?"
"Yeah you didn't know that?"
"A couple of years ago before he moved to Atlanta"

"You mean Ron Lumbergh the Initrode guy the young guy?"
by EggFuYungAtHeart February 20, 2022
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Commissioner of Major League Baseball and an all around faggot. Decided to get MLB involved in politics by removing the All Star Game from Atlanta due to a law passed by the Georgia state legislature. Decided not to punish the Houston Astros after they won a World Series via cheating. Decided to have 7 inning double headers and a runner on 2nd in the 10th inning starting with the 2020 season. Sucks off the owners and fucks over the players any chance he can get. Will probably cause a strike shortened season in 2022 because he's such a flaming piece of hot garbage.
"Hey, remember when Rob Manfred took the All Star Game away from Atlanta!?" - Baseball fan
"Yeah! I had tickets to go too! I was looking forward to it, and he took it away due to a law passed by the state of Georgia that we had no control over!" - Braves fan
"Yeah that was some weak shit, who would do that?" - Baseball fan
"Yeah, and then the Braves went out and won the fucking World Series and that faggot Manfred had to give us the World Series trophy and all the Braves fans booed him in Houstin! Haha! Fuck Rob Manfred!" - Braves fan
by EggFuYungAtHeart January 29, 2022
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"Hey you dating that hot new girl from class? Where is she from?" - Carl
"Yeah, she's from India" - Jackson
"Awww snap you bout to get some poonjabi!" - Carl
by EggFuYungAtHeart January 28, 2022
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When you give a girl an orgasm, the big O, in the middle of 69
I was upside-down eating out a girl during 69 and she screamed "oohhhhhhhh!!!" while she had an orgasm so i smacked her on her ass and said "shut up and put that dick back in your mouth" so she did. Can't blame her though, i gave her the ole 609
by EggFuYungAtHeart January 6, 2022
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A grocery store chain that sells godawful, horrible tasting cheap food but their customers are 100% either crackheads or people who fucked up and had too many kids. When they say how good the food is, what they really mean is how much money they can save on buying food so they can spend on crack or taking more dick so they can have more fucking kids. Aldi milk tastes like the cow had cancer. Aldi ice cream tastes like a bowl of sad.
"I got a gallon of milk for 49 cents at Aldi" - Jessica
"Yeah that milk tastes horrible, why don't you just buy normal milk?" - Thomas
"But think about all the money i save by buying milk at Aldi!" - Jessica
"You're just gonna spend it all on crack, shut up" - Thomas
"Hell yeah! And thanks to Aldi's low prices i can buy a new crackpipe to smoke even more crack in!" - Jessica
by EggFuYungAtHeart January 25, 2022
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Informal slang often used by Caucasions(Caukies) which include terms such as rad, dank, gnarly, tubular, wicked, etc
"That cheeseburger was dank as fuck, too bad you hit that gnarly pothole on the way over here, that was wicked weak. Other than that the trip was flippin rad" - Brad
"wtf do these words mean!?" - Tyrone
"Bro you should brush up on your Caukie slang" - Brad
by EggFuYungAtHeart January 25, 2022
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