13 definitions by Earl

A woman who, in her prime, was considered a cougar. She has now aged too far to fit that classification, but not so far that you would turn down action from her.
Back in the day, Nancy was a cougar. As she's aged though, she's really more of a hyena.
by Earl November 4, 2004
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a. The shit you gotta do b. responsibilities that get in the way of fun
I wish I could join you tonight but I got damnsponsibilities to take care of.
by Earl October 11, 2004
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a pretty round creature that suns itself on rocks and chases cahoots...
When we walked down the seashore, we swore we could see a moop lying on the jetty.
by Earl January 13, 2004
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Means it stinks or smells unpleasantly
it bangs like ass in here!
by Earl March 10, 2005
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taking it in the butt. having buttsex with somebody. usuallly a man. taking it in the butt
darryl morrow likes to take it
by Earl April 28, 2003
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a cock, dick
box = pussy
scraper = dick
You do any boxscraping last nite Joe?
by Earl November 16, 2003
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