9 definitions by Drake Aldan

To chew, or to (literally) move the jaw up and down in a chewing motion.

It can easily be mistaken for masturbate. A very good word to play around with, it is; so much that I played around with a newspaper teacher's mind by using it in a piece of writing.
You're a masticator, aren't you?
Yes, you are, you bad, bad man.
You like to masticate meat.
Just admit it, yeah, yeah.
by Drake Aldan March 7, 2004
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Means "I Love You."
One letter in I,
Four in Love,
and three in You.

Musiq made a song about it.
See sometimes words may get in the way
Of things that you really really mean to say
So I wanna out this time to make sure that how I really feel
Gets through to you
Cause listen
There aren’t many more ways and words that I can say
So I choose to tell you how I feel in a numerical way
Got so tired of trying to find the most complicated way
To say it to you so I simplified and broke it down
To 143 – and that means I love you
by Drake Aldan March 7, 2004
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A phrase from the PC Truck-racing game, Big Rigs.

In Big Rigs, it is impossible to lose, and every time you win a screen comes up with the words "You're Winner!" on it.

It can be used to denote a situation where the person addressed with the phrase is getting screwed over somewhat. It can also be used when the person being addressed did something grand, or got something grand.
People at Life, The Universe, and Everything use "You're Winner!" sarcastically.

"My friend just died..."
by Drake Aldan March 7, 2004
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A serious case of constipation;
an expression of shock.
Guy 1: Aw, jeez! I shouldn't have ate all that food... I'm shitting a brick here!

Guy 1: When you bid on that son-of-a-bitch, I almost shit a brick!
by Drake Aldan March 9, 2003
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A derogatory term, a slang of "fucker", which is used when someone of authority which considers "fucker" inappropriate is around and the word "fucker" needs to be used.
Guy 1: Ha! I totally owned you yesterday!
Guy 2: You stupid son-of-a-bitch mother...
*teacher walks by*
Guy 2: Fugger!
by Drake Aldan March 9, 2003
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A tongue of which the user speaks of something the complete opposite of what the user means. It often has the best comedic value.
Ex. 1: "I'm okay. Don't mind the gaping wound and the sword protruding from my back. I'm fine. Feel like a million fucking bucks, dammit."

Ex. 2:
"Is your car stuck in the mud?"
"No, no, of course not. I'm only practicing how to spray mud using my tires.

by Drake Aldan April 6, 2004
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A japanese word, used by anime fans meaning "small" or "mini". Also used to describe children.
Anime Fan: And meet my new friend, Chibi Anime Fan!
Baby: Waaaah!
by Drake Aldan March 9, 2003
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