25 definitions by Dr. Simulacra

a sock to pop-off into during beat time to save money on tissue paper in these harsh economic conditions...
I was in the middle of my own private rodeo when I felt the urge to explode coming on so I grabbed my jack-it jacket just in time.
by Dr. Simulacra October 9, 2013
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writing in a stream of consciousness free verse while tweaked up on any kind of narcotic substance organic synthetic or otherwise until the path of words ends in symbolic chaos and absolute nonsense...

an intentional form of writing that seeks to challenge the assumptions between writer and reader that support traditional channels of communication...
I aim to shake the world awake from hypnotic enslavement to a dead language through wordsmash.
by Dr. Simulacra October 10, 2013
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when you take on the evil emperor so to save your son from dying and then banging your daughter with an invisible schlong
I've totally wanted to dirty darth vadar Stephanie but she won't let me.
by Dr. Simulacra October 24, 2013
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same as a dirty ginsberg except he does it to a stuffed teddy bear
I walked in on my Dad in the middle of a dirty burroughs and have been emotionally scarred for life.
by Dr. Simulacra October 18, 2013
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when a girl shits in a guy's face while he is eating off her snatch because she hates the way he acts around his buddies.
Hey, man I learned my lesson. Stick your tongue anywhere near Beth's gizmo and she'll serve you up a dirty snatch sandwich without warning.
Stay away from dat bitch.
by Dr. Simulacra October 28, 2013
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Theory of Everything (ToE) is the point in quantum theory Level 4 where the entire data set of everything ever known to exist is resolved in a simple equation: Life = Zero or One (depending on the size of your shaft)
I was bummed out when I my wife died, but then I read about Theory of Everything in hustler magazine.
by Dr. Simulacra October 14, 2013
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when a guy walks out of a public restroom with the paper toilet seat cover hanging from the back of his pants
Yo Lenny must have been wasted after the Atomic Buds concert because he came home wearing a dirty basquiat!
by Dr. Simulacra December 14, 2013
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