66 definitions by Dj

1. a cocktail beverage consisting of orange juice, sprite, & bacardi o

2. a female's naughty region
You're such a poonswa; I drank your poonswa in my bed AND shower
by Dj March 28, 2005
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The act of quitting. Often used in reference with "quitting the internet".
"If things keep up like this, I'm going to Colin this place"
"I'm Colining"
"Yeah dude, he Colined"
by Dj October 15, 2004
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Leave a spark patch with your knee
Man, I need a new visor, cause you Roached in front of me.
by Dj October 23, 2003
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I went to the nursing home the other day only to find one of the residents giving another a TR Evans.
by Dj February 24, 2005
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1 pill of xanax is called a bar. you do the math
"you wouldnt happen to have a couple bars i could buy off you?"
by Dj March 16, 2005
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