75 definitions by Dirge

the greatest show on Earth until Fuckelodeon cancelled it
"Nickelodeon is fucking crazy to cancel Zim and it's holiness!!!"
by Dirge January 30, 2005
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a person who is free off the leash of the government.
A person who wishes to be on their own free will, not controlled by any democracy
"Being an anarchist is fun," ~ Me (Dirge)
by Dirge January 30, 2005
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The Food Of The Gods.

However, if eaten in large quantities is highly hazerdous to your health.
Beware the Ulster Fry side, it is more seductive, and will give you a heart attack by the time you're 45
by Dirge November 6, 2004
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An advanced killing machine designed by Skynet. See Terminator 3 for details.
Austin, Texas

The TX inflated her boobs...
by Dirge September 19, 2004
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a self abosrbed person who likes to pick a fight with lesser people
"I fucking hate assholes like you!"
by Dirge February 1, 2005
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An (in)famous drum played by Orangemen (of the Orange Order) in Northern Ireland.

It is massive, about 3 feet in diameter, and its two drumheads are made of goat skin.

When fully tightened, a lambeg is utterly deafening, with a noise output of 115 - 120 decibels. When nearby you don't just hear it.. you *feel* the subsonics all through your chest and gut. It can be heard 5-6 miles away.

The drum is played with two bamboo canes about 2 feet long each. It is carried like a bass drum. (But much bigger than a bass drum... makes the dude playing it look like an ant balancing a crumb.)

Commonly used as tools of intimidation, with drummers working shifts to keep the almost tribal-sounding drumming going through the night, in clear earshot of the "other side" (Catholics).
Dum-dum-dum-dudududum-dum-dum-dududududum-dumdumdum-dududum etc...
by Dirge June 29, 2004
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