the H

houston, tx and nearby areas
we're gonna hit up the H this friday
by Mack June 27, 2006
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H&H - An acronym commonly used in the LGBTQI community on dating apps like Grindr and Scruff

The first 'H' stands for horny and the second stands for high. Sometimes accompanied with mentions of 420.

(Search 420 for more information!)
420 - H&H - Looking for NSA fun, now!
by jaywks November 16, 2015
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H and H

hungry and horny at the same time.
Man, I am sooo hungry. and Im kinda turned on. H and H.
by misscruella October 2, 2009
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H and H

High and horny at the same time!!
Dang,I’m high and horny right now (h & h)
by Ydounotknow December 6, 2019
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H and H

Actually Ancient Age, a kind of cheap bourbon whiskey sold in Iowa.
Lets grab some H and H when John comes over.
by Phartman July 10, 2004
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H&H is a term used for people who are in a "friends with benefits" relationship with their partner. The acronym stands for "hang out and hook up", which means the couple went for a casual date followed by intercourse.
Steven and I had an H&H last night. It was great!
by TheWise0ne April 24, 2014
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h is superior to all the letters and if you think otherwise u suck. you know it is the best
Person1: u suck lolololol
person 2: H
Person 1: *cries*
by m a c a r o n i June 3, 2020
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