863 definitions by Diego

A double-chamber bong. The best type of bongs to use. Smoothest smoke, double filtration and made out of glass/pyrex.
A nice and relatively large shaped first chamber with a curved stem that enters the smaller second chamber containing an upright stem and the 'bowl'.
Both of the chambers stems sit submerged in the water. Thus, the smoke is filtered firstly by the smaller chamber and then again by the larger chamber before you breath in the smoke.
Pull that double-chamber bong, old mazzla.
by Diego November 28, 2003
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Multiple ecstacy tablets.
We dumped the pills and were peaking after 45 minutes.
by Diego November 23, 2003
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An ecstacy tablet consumed orally, snorted, whacked(Arm), anally.
"Has your pill hit you yet?"
"Yeah, I'm pilling really hard, man!"
by Diego June 23, 2003
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"Man you ain't got a 'hope in hell' of banking the 8ball off the rail and sinking it in that pocket, jus' try cut it straight in."
by Diego September 4, 2003
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A brew or combination of weed and tobacco in a bowl, ready to smoke.
Can be the process of having billies(smoking weed), with friends.
"Pass me the mix so I can have a cone."
"Man I'm straight, let's go home for a mix!"
by Diego July 8, 2003
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To get a look at a girls breasts.
"I got a sick titty shot from Jess the other day."
by Diego August 30, 2003
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