10 definitions by Die_Tasse
When your calf and ankle merge into one super joint. Tom Burg has some cankles. See Summer Sausage or No Ankles Burg.
by Die_Tasse February 9, 2005
by Die_Tasse May 22, 2004
To tell someone to get the hell out cuz they are a Mental Infant. Seriously, some people just need to be told that they are not as smart as the rest of us and that they should just stop wasting everyone's time and get the hell out.
Hey man I just played 100 straight hours of Final Fantasy.
Dude, you know where the door is, now get the hell out
Dude, you know where the door is, now get the hell out
by Die_Tasse May 21, 2004
by Die_Tasse March 18, 2005
A yes man. A suit. Some joker whose only goal in life is the expansion of his/her own career. A suck-up. A brown-noser. A worm. These guys piss me off.
by Die_Tasse May 22, 2004
A person who wastes other people's time by pretending to be smart but is just a moron. If you see one of these people just say, you know where the door is and they will head on out if they know what's good for em.
Sometimes you just look and around and see all these mental infants fumbling around with whatever they are trying to do... sometimes it makes me cry
by Die_Tasse May 21, 2004