4 definitions by Dededestructive

A character in Apex Legends that is one of the purchasable characters. Mirage's passive ability is, that when he is knocked down, spawns a decoy and cloaks you so that you can get away. His Tactical ability is to send a decoy that copies whatever you are doing as him e.g crouch walking or sliding. When his decoy is killed by any means it reveals the enemies location and is useful if you send it into a nox trap, revealing the Caustic's location. His ultimate is Vanishing Act, which cloaks him and sends out a team of decoys to distract the enemies, making ambushes, sneak attacks, or escapes, but shooting de-activates the cloak.
Mirage: *Sends out a decoy*
Mirage: Go bambloo, Babool, bandoo- Go trick them!
by Dededestructive October 17, 2019
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A now-underrated character from Apex Legends. since the arrival of Crypto has made Bloodhound somewhat obsolete, but is still very useful and isn't left vulnerable when using his tactical. His passive ability is that he can see tracks that other enemies have made and point them out. His tactical ability is Eye of The All-Father, which shows nearby enemies positions even through walls and is the bane of Bangalore's smoke. His Ultimate ability is Beast of the hunt, which allows him to see tracks that have been around for longer than a minute, physically see enemies footprints and be faster, matching Octanes and possibly even the shadows speed.
People who I play with on Apex: Fuck Bloodhound, Crypto is the new hotness.
Me: ya say that to the Bangalores in this match.
later in the match
Bangalore (Enemy): Poppin' Smoke!
My top tier Bloodhound: ALL FATHER GIVE ME SIGHT!!!
Everyone on the enemies squad: Shit
by Dededestructive October 16, 2019
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*scrolling through youtube*
*sees a video called "this video is not tiabkcilC"*
*watches it*
*sees Hentai*
Human watching youtube: "Fuck this shit i'm out"
by Dededestructive October 9, 2019
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The perfect penguin that will clobbah dat there kirbeh
Since he's perfect he can be used any time anywhere and infinitely. #King Dedede
by Dededestructive October 11, 2019
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