16 definitions by Deaf Drummer

(After listening sympathetically to a friend doubled over and complaining of diarrhea) I'm sorry! That really sounds like shit on steroids!
by Deaf Drummer February 21, 2008
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A person who panics during epidemics or pandemics. Thinking and judgment is usually suspended, resulting in spontaneous reactions rather than proactive actions.
(Sigh) when will these swine whiners learn to keep their bodies clean on the inside so they don't get sick in the first place?
by Deaf Drummer April 30, 2009
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A person who is NOT skilled in a particular craft.
After the umbrella stand broke right out of the box, the irate man exclaimed, "This crapsman is really good at making breakable things!"
by Deaf Drummer March 24, 2017
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Ass Bleed Syndrome. It results from one of two conditions. One result is from defecating too big a turd. The other results when politicians and crooked salespeople try to ream you a new one.
"I'm really concerned that after the election, the banking system will be bailed out, and the taxpayers will end up with A.B.S."
by Deaf Drummer February 19, 2008
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Having the runs or diarrhea while sitting on the toilet, suffering such pain and nausea that one physically shakes.
Poor dear... Ever since she ate that spicy dinner last night, she's been quaking on the loo.
by Deaf Drummer June 2, 2010
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an acronym expansion, or stating what an acronym stands for.
I know that YWCA can stand for Young Women's Christian Association and for Young Women Committed to Action. Are these spellouts pointing to the one and same organization?

What is the spellout for AACP?
by Deaf Drummer January 1, 2010
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A tricked out, modified British vehicle, usually an overland vehicle (similar in concept to a rice burner - tricked out, modified Asian car), but with one possible difference (not always true). Usually, someone with money would spend the money on modifying such vehicles, whereas younger people will trick out their Asian cars any way they can afford. This can be applied to SUVs in general.
I don't believe this... Look at this! Look at this biscuit burner going by. You sure can't take that Range Rover anywhere off-road!
by Deaf Drummer August 20, 2010
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