246 definitions by DJ gs68

One of the best motherfucking schooters of its time. Sadly overlooked by crappy games like GTA 3.
Person: So what games do you play?
Me: Many, Gradius III being one of them.
Person: It's 2003 and you still play games from 1990 with no cutscenes, 3D visuals, or badass graphics? You're retarded.
Me: Not all good games are new. *shoots him with a shotgun*
by DJ gs68 September 1, 2003
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Probably some 789lb. fat-fuck who grew up blowing away anyone who used slang at all, even when quoting it. She taught her son, Name, how to kill, instead of anything good at all, and at one point raped him, causing something in his brain to go off and turn him into a man with a one-track mind.
Name's mom is so stupid, she got stabbed with a revolver and shot with throwing knives.
by DJ gs68 July 19, 2003
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"What's the square root of 144?"
by DJ gs68 July 13, 2003
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Something with hot bullets that can kill someone.
by DJ gs68 August 8, 2003
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