21 definitions by Crazy68

1.the act of releasing intestinal gasses.2.the release of fecal matter.3.word describing either of the previous actions.descriptive
Eeeaaaawwwman who the fuck poohdit?!?!
by Crazy68 August 31, 2009
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What you usually tell
a police officer/wife/significant other when they ask how many beers you had tonight.
"exuse me sir, how many you had tonight?" "uuuh, I shwear Ossifer, I only had a cuppla beers".....
by Crazy68 October 1, 2009
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1.A small, hard piece of sand, dirt, food,and or lint stuck on the side of the inner buttcheek.similar to a Dingleberry, but more harder of a substance, potntial to draw blood. 2.a stupid, ignorant runt of a person.3.a moron of miniscule importance
by Crazy68 August 11, 2009
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1. chili so foul, it causes the runs 2. Chili that looks and smells like caca
Wow, she made chili for the cook off and by the smell of it it smells like dump chili
by Crazy68 February 24, 2014
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When you cheat on your wife, not just once, but several times. Including bar chicks and Porn stars, screwing all without condoms, expecting to stay married after your hot, swedish, model wife finds out.
I don't care what you say Jesus, I'm bustin a Tiger!!
by Crazy68 January 11, 2010
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1. Drilling the rectum 2. Digging deep in someone's ass with your penis while making slapping noises against the cheeks
Man. Bobby ripped up that booty, she was walking sideways after bobby was plowing ass!
by Crazy68 August 11, 2013
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