33 definitions by Cool Guy

Used on SNL to describe the movie Fantasia on a movie review skit
fantasia is fantasgreat
by Cool Guy August 14, 2003
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The langugage spoken by Serbians and Croatians. Croatians speak it a little differently though.
by Cool Guy May 26, 2003
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A cool member of many forums and clans, he enjoys many things and has his own phrases.
Wow, lookes like you popped a killer043
by Cool Guy April 12, 2005
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so drunk that u can barely see strait, the second level of extreme drunkness, past nardofied and just before tuckermax drunk. when zimmerfied andything is possible and very rarely does anything happen that isnt funny to the sober people around
man that guy was zimmerfied last night, he made out with the mirror, looking at the picture of himself
by Cool Guy October 8, 2004
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verb: To fall backwards, to unintentionally lose balance and roll.
by Cool Guy March 2, 2004
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Someone who has sex for money/jewellery, gold etc..
by Cool Guy June 26, 2003
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