20 definitions by Container

1.To show someone how it's done.
2.Beat someone in a competition.
3.Prove someone wrong.
Well, Quentin, you beat him 5-0, you really took him to school.
by Container October 9, 2003
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A scavenger, circling the media, looking for scraps of originality to add to their conceit. They sport eclectic styles and tastes, always recognisable as having been borrowed without adaption or refinement from elsewhere.
David Bowie is probably the best example of a successful culture vulture.

That website was put together by a Culture Vulture
by Container October 7, 2003
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Come to one of these to experience the following:
drugs, sex, cult worship, alternative music, etc.
Ah man I woke up yesterday in a karma hotel, they'd like taken my kidneys out and everything.
by Container September 23, 2003
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A brand spanking new vehicle, just rolledout of the showroom and ready to take to the roads.
Gleaming Bodywork, up to date technology and a stylish modern look.
My girlfriend is so tight, there's some real low mileage on that one.
by Container October 7, 2003
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Sent to or set out on a task which ultimately has no purpose or likelihood of success.
Discovering as much.
"Damn, we drove all the way to Jackies place only to find she'd gone down to ours!"
by Container October 12, 2003
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An opportunity, that might be presented by another's carelessness.
An opportunity which can be taken without repurcussions.
You left that side wide open for attack, it was fair game in my opinion.
by Container October 12, 2003
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To ask for confirmation of your audiences understanding, with the expectation that they will affirm what you are saying.
is gotta be dan innit nawwa ahmyean?
by Container October 4, 2003
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