12 definitions by ColdOne

disrespectful comments made toward or about someone

all through the interview, all he did was talk smack about A-Rod...not cool!

"don't lay any of your smack on ME, flip!"
by ColdOne November 14, 2005
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the initial advantage gained by one side in any game, contest or competition.
"The Chargers drew first blood in their game against the Giants, scoring a touchdown late in the first quarter."
by ColdOne January 11, 2007
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A group of people who can not and will not shut the fuck up. Known to speak in weird tongues. K-Line on site.
16:28 <MiniMizer> àæ æä äãéáåø ùê àéúé àéï áòéä
16:28 <Guyp> rofl
16:28 <SabrWolf> ROFL
by ColdOne June 4, 2003
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1) billiards (from the number "8" ball that is to be sunk after all the others to win the game).

2) to be "8 balled" is to be in a difficult or impossible situation.
1) wanna go play some 8 ball at o'reilly's?

2) better get a lawyer to read that contract before you sign it, otherwise you could get 8 balled.
by ColdOne June 27, 2004
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background information on something or someone; basic facts in order to get a take
(probably from "glossary", the part of a book which lists sources of information)
"ok, so here's the gloss on this new and revamped Mets squad....."
by ColdOne November 21, 2004
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a very gutsy and risky undertaking; going for broke against all odds
giving her a rose and asking her for her phone number while she with 20 of her friends was a very balls move!

and it paid off cause now you're getting laid every day....
by ColdOne July 6, 2004
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an open order of items to be paid for in total later, such as drinks ordered from a bar.
short for "tabulation".
a pint of guiness for me, a smirnoff ice for the lady...and shots of jack for everyone!

on my tab please...!
by ColdOne February 3, 2005
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