14 definitions by ColdFusion

a high-powered fighting robot evolved from a combination of insect/reptile life and strange metal called 'zoid lignite/magnite'. they come from planet zi and have been bred/evolved into machines that humans can ride in/pilot.
let's have us a zoid battle!
by ColdFusion August 8, 2003
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The back of the knee. Analogous to the krelbow.
Hot Jenny can crack a nut with her popliteal.
by ColdFusion November 5, 2004
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a monty python song sung by somebody (but NOT eric idle) which describes how nice it is to have a penis.
"isn't it awfully nice to have a penis? isn't it just divine to have a dong?..."
by ColdFusion July 12, 2003
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The other side of your elbow.
Sometimes people get eczema there, but I'm really only mentioning that so the definition is longer.
She slit her wrists straight up to the krelbows.
by ColdFusion November 5, 2004
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a mythological greek hero, but much more interestingly a videogame with a kick-ass plot (drama, death, sacrifice, scary dreams, guys with naked thighs, everything!) for the NES.
"Astyanax... Astyanax... you are chosen or something... come rescue me..." -- dream thingy with groovy music
by ColdFusion July 12, 2003
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Apparently texting-speak for "atleast". That is, without any space. If you type in 2853277, because you're too dumb to know 'at least' is two words, the phone apparently suggests 'culdart' to you. This editor uses proper keyboards to communicate, but knows people who actually use this like a real word on myspace and such.
im so lonley but culdart i have my teddy bear lolz!!
by ColdFusion September 3, 2009
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A deadly combination of copious intestinal gas and liquid diarrhea. The resultant combination is surprisingly humorous to everyone but the person it's happening just outside of.
"Aw MAN! I just cleaned that toilet and you had to aerosol the whole thing!"
by ColdFusion October 27, 2005
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