16 definitions by Christa

An extremely horrible guilt trip best exicuted by Jewish people in which they make you feel guilty for wanting something they need. Not to be confused with catholic guilt
Hey dad can I have this chili in the fridge. Shure but I will die if you eat it because I haven't had food in days. Dad stop jewish guilting me.
by Christa April 14, 2015
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one who is unually white trash, or redneckish.
Look at that jeeter over there! Woo-wee that boy's ridin that tractor like there ain't no tomorrow!!
by Christa January 11, 2004
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Weasle with a kung-fu grip =
Total knob-guy
a jerk
by Christa February 24, 2004
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What a drunk man says to the police officer when he gets pulled over.
Drunk guy: "No occiffer, I haven't been drinkling."
by Christa August 30, 2004
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1) A young person who uses magick because they heard about it either from a friend's friend, a new neighbor, from when they were looking up Harry Potter websites, ect. Word derrives from the word <i>teenybopper</i> and Wicca fused together. 'Wiccaboppers' usually have not yet grasped the concept of the concequences when casting a spell or something like that. An abuser of the beautiful religion that Wicca is.

Wiccabopper 1: I need 2 get sum new spell kitz at the Faery Dance down in Newburryport! OMG my Wiccan name is Firebelly Dancersingsongbirdcatrainbowmagicalunicornpeacepentacleladygypsyrhinannonfleetwoodmacperson!

Wiccabopper 2: ya wee can hav a sercal at ur house! teehee!
by Christa May 24, 2003
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