25 definitions by Charlie Currie, wordsmith

The soup to nuts from which all soup to nuts comes from. In physics, that is the infinite bath of nothingness that gives rise to "something" as its density and temperature demonstrate difference, thus giving way to infinite change.
Do you come here often? How about taking a shot at avoiding 15 IVF treatments and take a shot at a few minutes of a progenitor relationship with a proven DNA convergence mechanism, a dash of Barry White and a couple shots of tequila?
by Charlie Currie, wordsmith June 26, 2019
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In Toronto, a key to the city is more likely to involve a kilo than something that opens a lock.
when someone tells you they want a key (kilo) in Toronto, they don't mean a key to the city
by Charlie Currie, wordsmith November 15, 2013
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The seemingly intelligent recap of what one has been taught that came from the mind of another.
Yeah. It sounded intelligent, until you siphoned off the regurgitude.
by Charlie Currie, wordsmith October 14, 2019
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The hot weather seems to have brought out a fresh crop of cicada comics that start to chirp when they find themselves among the talented and they pull out their little bag of meme-like slagtite disses allowing them to get through it without the need of a participation badge.
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The experiment that you do in order to see whether the person you intend to lay a tickle beating on is actually responsive to such an encounter.
Three hours into our first date, the time was right. I reached over, fidgeted with her bits...yep, a testtickle was on my hand's agenda.
by Charlie Currie, wordsmith June 27, 2019
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A comment from a troll that intends to put down someone with greater talent. To be read, "talent" (the greater might be saddle up against a complete void), in that there might be a complete absence in the troll's CV which will inevitably include character actor and trained with Second City Chicago. The training is most often as waitstaff.
The latest heat wave has brought out a fresh crop of stagetite putdowns from a fresh crop of talentless wannabee comedians on Twitter...or as I like to call it, the extension of their mother's basement couch nest provided in sympathy for "their situation".
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The getting under of the skin which a person does that causes their girlfriend or boyfriend to become an ex girlfriend of boyfriend.
"You have to give me some facts so that I can defend myself."
"No, I don't."
"Well then, good luck to you and the kids."
"Good luck to being exfoliated."
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