111 definitions by Chad

Something that should not be urinated on.
When nature's callin' don't be stallin'
Use your common sense.
Before you let it flow find a place to go, just Don't Whiz On The Electric Fence!
by Chad February 21, 2004
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A person who is so fat and/or disgusting that the very sight of them invokes images of a giant vat filled with congealed animal fat.
Kate is so f-ing disgusting. What the he@l does that tub of lard think she is doing. She is not hot enough to get away with saying that.
by Chad October 2, 2003
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A caucasion who frequently infiltrates abandoned buildings as a hobby in areas where other causasions lock thier doors and roll up thier car windows as they drive through in fear of the neighborhood locals.
Last weekend, those crazy ass Survival Crackas walked around in an abandoned building with about 15 niggas they didn't know.
by Chad March 25, 2004
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To be disrespected by another who has not experienced the schmoopiness himself
She was schmooped in the back of the class.
by Chad December 14, 2004
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The word originated in the college town of Chico, CA. Several white male suburban students were enjoying the refreshments of natty light keg beer when a man named rave wolf proclaimed "Fur Shoosh I'm looped" This word carries the same meaning as fa sho.
"We can make up words like snoop too, Fur Shoosh"
by Chad March 22, 2005
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A term used to describe the tickling of a persons ass with a feather.
I wish I had that guys car and he was feather assed, we'd both be tickled!
by Chad December 11, 2004
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1.chikin pieces Put into fruit flavored jelo

2.chikin broth poured into some jelo mixture before it congeals

3.chikin sat-fat that coagulate when being refigerated

chikin jelo was invented by: Chad Pearce ................ IM DUH MANG!!!!!!
say mang, gimme sum chikin jelo!!!!!!
by Chad March 4, 2005
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