4 definitions by CatFocks

Inhaling a fart directly from someone's anus, swallowing it, then getting directly in their face and burping it out while saying "DRAGON BREATH" in your best dragon voice.
I just need to find a lover who will let me give them dragon breath
by CatFocks August 4, 2022
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The mental state of a man while pacing around the house or elsewhere, with a fully erect penis. Typically leads to very bad judgment and poor decisions.
"Dude why were you caught in your front yard masturbating"
"I wasn't thinking straight, I was all peckerized"
by CatFocks August 4, 2022
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Blowing into a vagina while performing oral sex filling it up like a balloon then pushing down with both hands on the lower abdomen to quickly (and loudly) release the air.
If you really want to see how cool she is you should try popping the balloon of pandemonium
by CatFocks August 4, 2022
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The sound a woman's vagina makes while masturbating.
At fist I didn't know what she was doin, then I heard the shleck shleck shlecking.
by CatFocks August 4, 2022
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