24 definitions by Carmen

a sexual act done between two people
did you commit a bunky with your gf?
by Carmen January 24, 2005
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a "Burgers-Fries-Cola" joint found in DC, MD, and VA(possibly in other east coast cities). Quite possibly the best burgers and fries you can get short of being gourmet... beware, they are really big, and really greasy.
Person #1: Do you want to go to McDonalds or Arby's?
Person #2: Nah, let's go to Checkers.
by Carmen November 6, 2003
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hey im a gigelo. look me up in da porn mag
by Carmen March 19, 2005
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What would FSM do?
by Carmen September 26, 2005
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driving really fast in a car
damn did u see her,she was schmobbin in her brand new car
by Carmen March 31, 2005
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Those wierd big and fluffy pants that came from the 80's, you know when everyone had those really bad hairstyles!
"omigod kelly look at her pants! aren't those parachute pants? arrrggghhhhh run away!!"
by Carmen December 17, 2003
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The college party-goers were craving the alcohol promised and so begain chanting, "W.W.J.D.!"
by Carmen November 9, 2003
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