58 definitions by Carlos

Retard, length sucking birthday party wendy house crashing gangbanger of 3 year olds
by Carlos December 20, 2004
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a male whos fringe is really disturbing to look at
an ugly guy with a crap haircut
by Carlos March 11, 2004
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100% Grade 'A' Mexican. A person born within the Federal Distric. The type of Mexican that all other indios of Mexico want to be. Also known for their unique language skills in double meaning of sentences.
Chilangos de Chilangolandia hablan con doble sentido.
by Carlos October 30, 2004
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stutter; to mumble words cuz your scare or nerves
all da busters start 2 stutta when they talk to hopper.
by Carlos November 18, 2003
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A strange Spanish man, whos a wannabe actor. AKA Alex, Jorge, and fag
Chipi u a Ho.
Chipi desrteed us East-Coasters and Went to tha West Side.
by Carlos February 17, 2005
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