9 definitions by Cal Ripken

(1) This is when you are invited to a friends wedding and RSVP that you will be there. Then, at the last minute, don't attend his wedding, rather you go to another friends wedding in another town.(e.g. Arizona) THEN, when it comes time for you to get married, you don't invite that person to your wedding. a.k.a. Micked
"Dave, whats up with this shit. I just heard I got Micked from Kevin's wedding. Actually T-bone, you got KO'ed."
by Cal Ripken September 1, 2004
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(1) "koo-stock-ed" - The act of being in a friends wedding party and then when you get married, you give them the schnide from you wedding party.
"Sorry buddy, but Mick is going to get Kucyked at my wedding."
by Cal Ripken April 28, 2004
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(1) occurs when you are invited to a wedding to which you accept the invitation and then dont show up.
"I am going to "Ferry" Lewindowski's wedding in May."
by Cal Ripken December 10, 2003
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(1) When someone lobbies you to receive an invitation to your wedding because it is taking place in their home town, but you decide to schnide them anyway because it would be funny." (2)
"Ferry tried as hard as he could but he still got Marited for the wedding in Philly."
by Cal Ripken April 28, 2004
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(1) The act of lobbying for yourself to receive an invitation to a wedding.
"Kevin, I'm not going to get the Mick from your wedding am I? I really want to come and see the boys."
by Cal Ripken April 28, 2004
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(1) This is when you tell someone you can't make it to their wedding because it is just too far to travel, and then attend another wedding at the same location. (2) A form of the schnide
"Hey Kevin, why did your Dad come to Jay's wedding when he said Notre Dame was too far to travel for mine? Sorry Corbett, you just got the Pop-Joe."
by Cal Ripken September 1, 2004
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(1) when you are not invited to a wedding to which a significant number of your friends are invited.
"Dude, I think he got "Micked" fro Sweeney's wedding."
by Cal Ripken December 10, 2003
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