11 definitions by CadeRageous

A growing collection of video games that have yet to be opened and played, likely due to the fact that so many good games come out and the owner simply cannot keep up.

This is most commonly an issue for professionals in the video gaming industry.
"My Stack of Shame keeps piling up higher and higher! Skyrim, I wish I knew how to quit you!"

"Don't even bother pointing out the fact that half my games are still in the plastic wrap—I am acutely aware that my Stack of Shame is ridiculous."
by CadeRageous February 28, 2012
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Gamer Standard Time (GST) is a time zone for gaming worlds, virtual worlds, and all online forms of video game playing.

It just happens to coincide with PST (Pacific Standard Time), probably because California is the leading place for the video gaming industry and virtual worlds.
1: "What time do you want to start a game tonight? Around 9 Gamer Standard Time?"

2: "Sure. So GST is what...? 8pm for me here in Denver?"

1: "No, it's 10pm for Mountain Time."

2: "Hell yeah! See you later!"
by CadeRageous January 8, 2010
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defn: A place you want to avoid like the plague.

Whyoming, a play on the spelling and name of the desolate state Wyoming, adding a "h" in a proper place, helps ask the eternal question: "Why?"

Wyoming is a cold, very windy, desolate state. It has the least amount of people per square mile for a reason. The largest city is its capital, Cheyenne, which is in the range of 60,000 people (yes, a few universities have more students than that).

In short, though it has a few beautiful areas, it's known to urban and city people as a place to avoid like the plague. Why go to Wyoming when Colorado is nearby?
"I don't wanna' go to that lame frat party--that's Whyoming!"
by CadeRageous January 31, 2008
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A slang term, usually plural "Gandhis," for money.

Usually it is used when referring to spending money or having a lot of money.

It comes from the fact that Mahatma Gandhi is on about every piece of monetary unit in India. If you ever visit India, you will be spending various bills and coins with this man emblazoned on them.
1. "Man, this new store is HOT! I am definitely going to be droppin' some Gandhis!"

2. "Woo hoo! I just got PAID! I'm rolling in the Gandhis now!"
by CadeRageous February 28, 2010
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Tired on my way home from work, I exit the subway train at my stop only to be slowed nearly to a halt in a crackberry jam on the way out of the station. It's like they can't WAIT to get a signal again.
by CadeRageous October 4, 2008
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The ever-increasing anxiety created for a video gamer that has an embarrassing Stack of Shame.
"My gamer guilt is getting so strong, it's to the point where I want to cut out most genres of games to play just so I can focus on my favorite one. Then I might be able to keep my stack of shame under control."

"It's no wonder I'm single—my gaymer guilt keeps me from dating!"

"How can I ever have someone over to play games, when they'll instantly realize I have a stack of shame. It's embarrassing." smh
by CadeRageous February 28, 2012
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Hotties about all along the front range of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Boys, girls are just mutha-effing HOT up where the air is thin.

Front Range Hot: is specifically defined as the generally tall, lean hot young men from the front range of Colorado. They can come from about any area along I-25 from New Mexico up to Wyoming, but as long as they're from the mountainous areas of Colorado, they just might be Front Range Hot.
"Did you see that tall skinny guy? Man, he's Front Range HOT!"
by CadeRageous January 7, 2010
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