28 definitions by CAM

one who fucks a chick when she has her rags
why is your dick red? are you a red rooter?
by CAM July 9, 2003
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Any sort of sealing device on a bottled beverage. There are various of types and styles of jucks, from that little plastic ring on your milk jug, (jug/juck... coincidence? I think not) to the shrink wrapping on a bottle of yoohoo.
Get that juck off your wang and eat your peas, Billy!
by CAM December 16, 2004
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when a male stickes his whole hand in a females anus and then sticks his whole head in her vigina thne he picks his nose.
"Yo man your girl loved that wet pelican last night"
by CAM April 11, 2005
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Those kids in the rode at night, it is just plain sketch!
by CAM March 4, 2005
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Sometimes when you wipe your ass too hard you pull out some poobes.
by CAM April 4, 2005
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