15 definitions by Burkus

Google is a very useful search engine, also an evil empire
As a verb it is to "Google" something if you don't know where or what you are looking for is.
Jimmy: I need to find out about the west african bull frog.
Bryan: Use google

Jimmy: How do you spell Chihuahua?
Bryan: I dunno, Google it.
by Burkus November 16, 2008
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The U.S. Armys standard carbine, fires 5.56mm NATO round, shares 75-80% of the parts used in the M-16. For some reason ten year olds think they are qualifyed to operate and clean one because they use it in video games, and they read the wikipedia page on it.
If you look at most stock footage of the war on terror it will have an M4 in view.
by Burkus December 6, 2008
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A Carbine version of the AK-74made in Russia for tank and helicopter crews and special forces. Fires the same 5.45x39mm ammo, similar to the case with the M4 Carbine and the M-16
In one video made by Osama Bin Laden an AK-74u is visible in the background.
by Burkus December 28, 2009
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A word used to describe a person who is new to playing the game
supa1337killakapakopp Teamkills xXphiregodXx
by Burkus October 29, 2008
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If it exists, there is or will be porn of it... also responible for creating pedophiles
Ten year old:*(Google) Rule 34*
Ten year old: OH MY GOD!!!
by Burkus November 2, 2008
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A series of games made by Activsion that generally take place in WW2, Producers alternate between Treyarch and Infinity Ward. Treyarch made Call of Duty 3, and World at War. Infinity Ward made Call of Duty, CoD2, and CoD4 (The best of the bunch). Almost as good as sex.
Gamer 1: Wanna play Call of Duty?
Gamer 2: Sure, witch one?
Gamer 1: 4, Duh!
by Burkus November 28, 2008
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The capital city of Manitoba, Canada. Also known as "Winterpeg" because you can build a snowman by late October and it will last to early April. Gets deadly cold in the winter and bakin' hot in the summer. The four seasons are, Winter, Spring, Summer/Road Construction, and Fall. Was home of the Winnipeg Jets, but they got sold off to Pheonix (I think). Huge hockey/football town. Has 3 major teams, Hockey: Manitoba Moose, Football: Blue Bombers, Baseball: Goldeyes. Also has one shitty neighbourhood called the north end, plenty of Natives, drunks and gangs to mug and kill you there.
I should know because I live in the godforsaken place.
Drunk Native Gangster: Yo B gimmi yo fuckin wallet!
by Burkus December 16, 2008
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