In one

In one refers to one being completely obliterated by alcohol and having the time of their lives
Damn dude, I was absolutely in one at Rachel's party last night.
by Lcarey July 17, 2018
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one on one

1. A game where the only opponents are two people playing against each other.
2. Also know as speedballing; a mixture of cocaine and herion, most often injected.
1. Jack says to Tommy, "Let's play a game of one on one"
2. After getting out of lock-up, I said to myself, "I'm 'bout ready to head downtown and gets me a one on one!!"
by dieselgirl August 7, 2003
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one on one

BASKETBALL, where you (and only you) play against one other person
I played against Santiago in a one on one basketball game
by Home slice August 15, 2005
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one on one

An informal code of street fighting, not allowing bystanders to interfere in the fight.
Hey bitch-ass, let's square it up one-on-one in the midldle of the street!
by PGrace August 5, 2003
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one and one

a bag of heroin and coke together.
i wanted to do a speedball so i told my connect i need a "one and one" bag.
by fresh stallion April 12, 2010
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one on one

san francisco bay area slang for a combination of cocaine and heroin, aka a "speedball". a hit of tar heroin and powder cocaine sold together on the street for $10 to $20.
if youre in a san francisco neighborhood such as the mission, and you hear a guy calling out "one on oners, one on oners", hes not challenging you to a game of basketball.
by beau "oma" taylor March 14, 2010
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The One One

The person that makes you change everything you said you wouldn't ; put it down in every way ; the one you meant to be with ; time enough : able to control without force ; Mesmerizing
Boooooyyyyyyyy, You the one one!
by Aneres April 13, 2016
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